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Prambanan - Yogyakarta

The finest of the Hindu temple architecture of Indonesia

Prambanan is the largest Hindu temple complex in Indonesia dated to the 9th century. It consists of 240 temples which are in most of ruined. The temple is listed by UNESCO as a heritage of the finest Humanity.

PRAMBANAN  and the Center of Hindu-Bouddhiste Civilisation

Prambanan is a grand complex of Hindhu temple from 9th century, located around 17 km from city center. The temple is considered as the most beautiful Hindhu temple in Indonesia. The temple is dedicated for the Trinity of God : Brahma, Vhisnu, Shiva. We have restored 16 temples of 240 temples. In the principal temple of Shiva. You will find 4 statues in 4 room. They’re the statues of Shiva Mahadewa, Shiva Mahaguru/Agastya, Ganesh, and Durga , the wife of Shiva with 8 arms. You can also find beautifully-crafted-reliefs of Ramayana on Shiva temple. From Prambanan temple, you can walk to Sewu Temple, located around 800 meters in the north of Prambanan. It’s a  calmer Buddhiste temple complex compared to Prambanan.

If you have times, between May-October, we suggest you to see the Ramayana dance performance and dinner in Prambanan restaurant with the direct view to the temple. It’s an unforgettable evening.

Ramayana is an epic story from India famous in Indonesia. The story is told mostly in the shadow puppet show. It’s people’s favorite show. Even for the moslems people. The story has influenced the Javanese moslem culture. It tells the story of Prince Rama who lost her wife Shinta in the forest, kidnaped by the Giant King, Rahwana. With the help from Anoman, a white monkey, Rama able to take Shinta back. But to be sure that Shinta is still virgin, he put her on fire. At the end, she made it out of fire. And they finally live together.

 (Foto: Prambanan, Sewu,  Ramayana)

Prambanan is the central complex. You will discover many temples around Prambanan. Some temples have Hindhu characteristics like : Sari temple, Ijo temple, Barong temple, and Banyunibo temple. The others are Buddhiste: Plaosan, Kalasan, Sewu, Sojiwan, and Boko.  All temples gather in the same region shows the tolerance between two religions. You could spend a day to visit the region of Prambanan. You could do that on bicycle.

To do:

  • Sunset

Sunset is the famous activity you can do around Prambanan. You could see the sunset from the temples around, but the most famous and the best spot is at Kraton Ratu Boko temple. There you can see the sunset from a hill with Boko temple as the background.

  • Cycling

Not only sunset, you can also cycling around Boko area and visit the other small temple like sojiwan temple, barong temple, etc. Along the route you can see the rural life of Yogyakarta people, especially the farmer.

  • See the local production

You can walk for a couple minute from Plaosan temple to the village and see the making of Tempe (soybean cake) and Emping a Melinjo (Gnetum Gnemon ) Chip making.

  • Ramayana Ballet

Beside all those activity above, there is also one more thing you can do around Prambanan, watch the Ramayana Ballet. In Yogyakarta there are only 2 places where you can watch the Ramayana Ballet, Prambanan and Purawisata. Ramayana Ballet in Prambanan held in the outdoor stage periodically with Prambanan Temple as the background. Meanwhile the Ramayana Ballet in Purawisata held everyday.

To eat:

  • Rama Shinta Garden Resto

Eat exclusively with the Panorama of Prambanan Temple in front of you. Rama Shinta Garden Resto offer you an exclusive lunch (Dinner can be arrange with special arrangement, additional charge may apply) facing the Great Prambanan Temple. This restaurant is located beside the temple.


  • Abayaghiri Resto
  • Opak Resto

Enjoy eating on the river bank of Opak river in Opak Resto. Here You can feel the ambiance of the traditional village in Yogyakarta. The restaurant is located near Prambanan Temple.

  • Eat in the Village
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