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Jakarta and West Java

Jakarta is the capital of Indonesia, a city with more than 10 millions of habitants with 660 km2 of area. Jakarta is the main entrance to Java. You could take a flight through the country from Jakarta.

Jakarta has moderns building, colonial building, museums, Sunda kelapa traditional Port, Taman Mini Indonesia Indah Park that has 27 traditional houses from all around Indonesia with their cultural differences, the National Monument in the form of Linga decorated with 50 kg of Gold.

UjungKulon and Krakatoa

Ujungkulon is a national park for the conservation of one corn Rhinoceros, an endangered animal. From there you could visit Krakatoa, a phenomenal volcano in the Java-Sumateran Sea that has exploded in 1883.


Bogor is a city of 60 km from Jakarta. The region is known as the central of tea plantation in Indonesia. It’s a nice region for the people from Jakarta to escape from the stressing working life. You could visit the botanic garden, the safari, or walking around the tea plantation.



Bandung  is a colonial city with the ancien Dutch building. In 18th century, Bandung is a tropical forest and the place for the prisoner of the Dutch soldier. But with the crafty hand of them, the forest transformed into the paradise on earth. They plant tea. Bandung is surrounded by the active volcano of Tangkuban Perahu in the north and Kawah Putih or Kawah Ciwidey in the south. Bandung is the central of the Sundanese Culture. You could visit the center conservatory  Mang Utjok to watch Angklung (Sundanese traditional instrument) and puppet show.


Garut,  a beautiful region with teraced rice fiel dis on the rute from Bandung to Pangandaran. It’s a good stop where you can visit the traditional village of Kampung Naga and walk around the rice field while meet the local. If you have time, you could also visit Mount Papandayan.


Pangandaran is a seaside station, especially for the people from Jakarta and Bandung. It takes 2 days to enjoy the region and rest before go to central Java. You could visit the Green Canyon and surf or dive and snorkel.

Destinations of Java
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