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PRAMBANAN, The Center of Hindu Civilisation in 9th Century

PRAMBANAN, The Center of Hindu Civilisation in 9th Century

Prambanan temple or local often calls it as Loro Jonggrang Temple is the biggest Hindu temple complex in Indonesia that was built in 9th century. This temple is devoted for the trinity of God in Hindu religion. They are Brahma, the creator – Shiva, the destroyer –...
Ramayana Ballet Yogyakarta

Ramayana Ballet Yogyakarta

La danse Ramayana ou le ballet Ramayana est l’une de performance de danse la plus connue de Yogyakarta. Il raconte l’histoire de Rama et Shinta, un histoire d’amour tragique de la religion Hindou. Shinta est kidnappée par un géant...
Ramayana Ballet Yogyakarta

La Danse de Ramayana

La danse Ramayana ou le ballet Ramayana est l’une de performance de danse la plus connue de Yogyakarta. Il raconte l’histoire de Rama et Shinta, un histoire d’amour tragique de la religion Hindou. Shinta est kidnappée par un géant...
Wayang Jogja Night Carnival 2017

Wayang Jogja Night Carnival 2017

To celebrate Yogyakarta City’s 261st birthday, the local government held a chain of programs that ended with the Wayang Jogja Night Carnival. Carnival is very identical to Yogyakartanese. We usually have a carnival to celebrate occasion such as a special occasion of...
What should we know about Gunung Agung?

What should we know about Gunung Agung?

Recently, Gunung Agung (Agung Volcano) has been the talk of the world after its high activities. But what makes this volcano famous? Its location in one of the world is favorite tourist destinations from Indonesia, Bali, makes many people glance at it. Mount Agung is...
Celebrating National Batik Day

Celebrating National Batik Day

  In 2nd October, Indonesia celebrates The National Batik Day. The date is chosen as the National Batik Day remembering the date where Batik assigned as Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO. Batik is a traditional cloth from...
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